自華光電®陶瓷標準加熱器 myBlossom® Ceramic Heating Elements 陶瓷加熱元件4
https://www.myblossom.tw/ 自華光電有限公司
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德國 巴哈陶瓷股份有限公司(Bach)成立於1994年,德國第一大陶瓷加熱器製造商。

* 電氣和熱計算和測量
* Bach RC自己的專利技術,用於生產由高性能陶瓷製成的加熱元件
* 陶瓷的高真空銅焊
* 高精度加工陶瓷(鑽孔,鋸切,磨削,圓磨,雷射切割)
* 熱壓燒結高性能陶瓷


陶瓷標準加熱器 myBlossom® Ceramic Heating Elements
陶瓷晶圓加熱器 myBlossom® Ceramic Wafer Heaters 
陶瓷晶片加熱器 myBlossom® Ceramic Chip Heaters
陶瓷平面加熱器 myBlossom® Ceramic Flat Heating Elements
陶瓷環形加熱器 myBlossom® Ceramic Heating Rings
陶瓷板形加熱器 myBlossom® Ceramic Hot Plates
陶瓷切割加熱器 myBlossom® Ceramic Heating Cutters
陶瓷輻射加熱器 myBlossom® Ceramic Radiant Heaters
陶瓷墨盒加熱器 myBlossom® Ceramic Cartridge Heaters
陶瓷輝光點火器 myBlossom® Ceramic Glow Igniters
標準陶瓷加熱器 myBlossom® Ceramic Heating Elements
高溫陶瓷加熱器 myBlossom® Ceramic Heating Elements
小型陶瓷加熱器 myBlossom® Ceramic Heating Elements
大型陶瓷加熱器 myBlossom® Ceramic Heating Elements
氮化矽陶瓷加熱器 myBlossom® Silicon Nitride Ceramic Heating Elements
半導體陶瓷加熱器 myBlossom® Semiconductor Ceramic Heating Elements


自華光電 - 德國Bach-RC陶瓷加熱器 台灣獨家代理商暨大陸代理商。
Allen K. Lin | Allen@myblossom.tw | LINE ID: Allen-007 | Wechat ID: Allen-006 | T: 0910-782775


Our strong points

BACH RC is a family business which responds expeditiously and flexibly to market demands.

Our customers are manufacturers of semiconductor processing systems, machine building industries, automobile manufacturers, furnace producers as well as research institutes and universities. Both European customers and companies from North America are users of our ceramic heating elements.

Modern manufacturing technology and highly skilled, specialized staff are the foundation of our company's success.


electrical and thermal calculations and measurements
our own patented know-how for the production of heating elements made of high performance ceramics
high vacuum brazing of ceramics
highly precise machining of ceramics (drilling, sawing, grinding, round grinding, laser cutting)
hot pressing and sintering of high performance ceramics