百靈佳殷格翰Respimat軟霧吸入器, Plan Optik Glass wafer 玻璃晶圓
適喘樂舒沛噴Respimat的核心部位玻璃晶圓(glass wafer)由德國Plan Optik AG製造提供。適喘樂舒沛噴Respimat軟霧吸入器, 由德國百靈佳殷格翰公司(Boehringer Ingelheim microParts GmbH)開發。
The cavities within the micro structured silicon wafer (below) are capped with the glass wafer by Plan Optik. Once the so-called bonding process has been carried out the nozzles thus formed are isolated by means of a dicing process.
自華光電 - 德國Plan Optik AG玻璃晶圓/石英晶圓 台灣獨家代理商。
Allen K. Lin | | LINE ID: Allen-007 | Wechat ID: Allen-006 | T: 0910-782775